Agenda - Plenary

Meeting Venue:

Y Siambr - Senedd

Meeting date:
Wednesday, 10 June 2020

Meeting time: 11.00




This meeting will be held by video-conference.


Having consulted with the Business Committee, the Llywydd has determined that:


· The quorum for any vote to be valid is four Members, in accordance with Standing Order 34.10;


· In accordance with Standing Order 34.11, each political group (or grouping formed for the purposes of Standing Order 11) may nominate one Member of the group or grouping to carry the same number of votes as there are members of the group or in the case of a political group with an executive role, the members of that group plus any other members of the government;


· The requirements of Standing Order 12.56 regarding oral questions are disapplied, in accordance with Standing Order 34.18.


The Llywydd also gives notice, in accordance with Standing Order 34.15, that the public have been excluded from attending this Plenary meeting, as is required to protect public health. The meeting will continue to be broadcast live and the record of proceedings will be published as usual.





Minute's Silence



1       Business Statement and Announcement

(5 mins)                                                                                                           

View Business Statement and Announcement



2       Statement by the First Minister: Coronavirus (COVID-19)

(60 mins)                                                                                                         



3       Topical Questions    

No Topical Questions have been accepted.



4       Statement by the Minister for Economy, Transport and North Wales: Response to Coronavirus (COVID-19)

(60 mins)                                                                                                         



5       Statement by the Minister for International Relations and Welsh Language: Coronavirus (Covid-19)

(60 mins)                                                                                                         



6       Legislative Consent Motion on the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Bill

(30 mins)                                                                                                         

NDM7330 Julie James (Swansea West):


To propose that the Senedd, in accordance with Standing Order 29.6 agrees that provisions in the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Bill in so far as they fall within the legislative competence of the Senedd, should be considered by the UK Parliament.


A Legislative Consent Memorandum has been laid in the Table Office on 2 June 2020 in accordance with Standing Order 29.2.


Corporate Insolvency and Governance Bill 2019-21



7       Motion to annul The Local Government (Coronavirus) (Postponement of Elections) (Wales) Regulations 2020

(30 mins)                                                                                                         

NDM7329 Suzy Davies (South Wales West):


To propose that the Senedd in accordance with Standing Order 27.2:


Agrees that The Local Government (Coronavirus) (Postponement of Elections) (Wales) Regulations 2020, laid before the Assembly on 29 April 2020, be annulled.



8       Plaid Cymru Debate - The Economy and Covid-19

(60 mins)                                                                                                         

NDM7331 Sian Gwenllian (Arfon):


To propose that the Senedd:


Calls on the Welsh Government to: 

a) establish an employment guarantee scheme for young people suffering unemployment as a result of Covid-19;

b) establish a job reskilling and retraining scheme designed to support those needing to find alternative employment following the crisis; 

c) convene a citizen's assembly to discuss how Wales should "Build Back Better" following the experience of the crisis; and

d) establish a multi-billion "All Wales Renewal Fund" to finance the rebuilding of our country.
The following amendments have been tabled:
Amendment 1 - Rebecca Evans (Gower)

Delete all and replace with:

To propose that the Senedd:

1. Notes the package of employability support currently available through the Welsh Government including the highly regarded Jobs Growth Wales scheme which has supported more than 19,000 young people into good quality work and ReAct which for more than a decade has helped individuals retrain and find new employment.

2. Notes the Welsh Government's £500m Economic Resilience Fund which is currently helping thousands of small and medium sized businesses in Wales stay afloat and keep individuals in employment and which will in future support recovery.

3. Notes the expert work being coordinated by the Counsel General across Welsh Government on recovery planning including work by the Minister for Economy to identify further skills interventions which can support effective retraining in the coming months and the recovery phase.

4. Welcomes the constructive discussions the Minister for Economy has had with all parties about how we emerge from Coronavirus with the best possible prospects for young people.

5. Recognises the need to work in social partnership with trade unions and business to Build Back Better for the future.

6. Recognises that the Welsh Government has dedicated close to £2.5bn to its Covid-19 response since March 2020, further notes the scale of the economic crisis facing the whole of the United Kingdom and calls on the UK Government to develop a significant economic stimulus package that can support the Welsh Government’s work towards a green and just recovery.

[If Amendment 1 is agreed amendments 2, 3, 4 and 5 will be de-selected]

Amendment 2 – Darren Millar (Clwyd West)

In sub-point (a), delete ‘employment’ and replace with ‘apprenticeship’.

Amendment 3 - Darren Millar (Clwyd West)

Insert at end of sub-point (b):

‘and introduce skills retention and development programmes as soon as practical in the most at risk sectors to ensure no loss of capability and the opportunity to upskill the local workforce during this period of reduced activity.’

Amendment 4 - Darren Millar (Clwyd West)

In sub-point (c), delete ‘citizen’s assembly’ and replace with ‘cross party taskforce’.

Amendment 5 - Darren Millar (Clwyd West)

Delete sub-point d) and replace with:

‘establish a Covid Community Recovery Fund to support those towns and communities whose economies are hardest hit by the pandemic.’

Amendment 6 – Neil McEvoy

Add as new point at end of motion:

In order to rebuild Wales economically as a result of the Covid-19 crisis, calls on the Welsh Government to:

a) ensure that the Covid-19 business rate relief scheme supports businesses occupying premises and not landlords who own the premises;

b) provide support for those in the hospitality industry being charged full rent by pub companies during the crisis;

c) legislate to enable Welsh companies to successfully bid for Welsh public sector contracts; and

d) orientate its economic policy toward a food and drink export-led recovery by creating a fully fledged whisky industry.



9       Voting Time     



The Senedd will sit again in Plenary at 13.30, Wednesday, 17 June 2020



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